
There's a little surprise waiting for the security team when they arrive (darn 7th sense!)

by MacroLass
Storyline X-Men: The Stepford Submission
Previous Chapter After Mr. Flynn fucks Cari, he puts together a specialized security force to capture Gambit and Rogue

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A half hour later, Alpha Squad arrived near the downed jet.  Silently, they surrounded the ruined vehicle. 

"Confirmed: 2 figures by the hatch," stated Alpha-8, acting as overwatch from outside the circle closing in, broadcasting on their scrambled comm units.  "I see the woman clearly half in, half out of the wreckage.  Can't see the male for a good shot, just his coat..."

Alpha-1 grunted in annoyance.  "That'll make it harder...we'll only be able to get the girl one at a time.  Alpha-3, you're up for a rumble, right?  Just don't break her..."

The former biker woman grinned wickedly.  "Don't worry, the mutie bitch's good as mine..."

"All right," the commander ordered.  "Power up your harnesses and turn on filters.  Overwatch, on your mark, give 'em a gas grenade then 10 seconds after, we move in."

"Roger," the merc said tersely.  He lifted his stubby modified Tac700 Pepperball launcher, aimed...

And then spun around as he felt a light tap on each shoulder.  Cool under pressure, he aimed the gun at Gambit who stood a few feet away from him.  Smiling, the mutant raised his hands in surrender.  "DON'T MOVE!", Alpha-8 demanded. 

"But mon ami, I am unarmed...an' see...got nothin' up my sleeves...", he grinned. 

"I said don't...wait...what's that sizzling sound?", the man in black asked...just before the two cards Gambit had slipped under his backpack exploded.  The force of the detonation flung the merc forward...right into the quarterstaff Gambit had popped out from its leg sheath.  He fell to the ground, his polycarbonate helmet cracked like an egg. 

Back at the operations center, the technician ripped off his headphones as the noise almost ruptured his eardrums.  "Tactics is down sir," he reported to Flynn. 

"Then get it back up!  And send Beta and Gamma teams to help contain those mutants!"

Back at the plane, Alpha-1 wasn't pleased either.  "5 and 7, go assess 8's condition, cover each other's backs.  2, follow me as we back up 3's capture.  MOVE PEOPLE!"

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