
The Riddling Witch confronts the Flash

by Anzaleth
Storyline What the heck is this???
Previous Chapter How are Ivy and Catwoman different?

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"Hey, Flash!"

Flash turned to see what looked like a gaunt, giggling Zatanna, though dressed in an outfitted coloured like the Riddler's.
"Not quite, Flashy-boy!" She spun her question-mark cane theatrically. "Riddle me this..."
* * *
"Hope Bruce isn't too cross to see us," Regina said. "I mean, he was pretty mad that we decided to be sexy thieves for Babs rather than hot suprheroes for him."
"Ahhhh, but we didn't have a choice, did we?" Jatalia cooed as she ran her nails over Babs' thick, scaly arms. "Who could resist those big ol' gator guns or those sexy scaly abs, or those nice fat gator tits."
"Whoa!" Babs was startled as the girls began to hug and nuzzle her. She was starting to feel guilty as well, that she'd stolen away all of Batman's apprentices to be her lipstick league of lovers and henchwenches. But it felt pretty good too.
"Hey, are we here to plan or to make-out?" the former Damien Wayne asked.
"Awwww, can't we do both?" Harley asked.
* * *
"We need to contact your daughter, my queen," said one of Hippolyta's generals through a big mouthful of fish.
Hippolyta took a puff of her cigarette in her elegant holder and exhaled a smoke ring. 
"Yes, that is true," Hippolyta replied. "I am getting on it."
Yes, there were many things to attend to.
She rubbed her thick thighs together. She was starting to feel horny.
She needed to find a way to cure this strange transformation, but she also needed to deal with this lust boiling in her loins.
A thought came into her head. Men. Themyscira could do with some men. Strapping young bucks in slave collars who would cook all the food the Amazons needed, feed it to them by hand, help Hippolyta deal with the lust inside her body. After all, the Amazons were the greatest, most sophisticated culture in the world, superior to men in every way.
Didn't it make since to have an army of men to fulfill their desires.
She blinked. Her thoughts were getting too strange. She needed to talk to Diana. Her daughter could help her....
* * *
Ophelia burbled in delight as Bruce took her by the hand to the most expensive jewelry store in Gotham.
The former Wonder Woman's panties were soaking as she imagined all the pretty-pretties her man could buy for her, all the beautiful things she deserved. And after that it was the furs and shoes....
Alfred followed them to help carry the things, but Ophelia realized it wasn't enough.
"Bruce, darling," she whispered in his ear, "we need more servants. Waugh! Waugh!"
Her thoughts her interrupted as her special Amazon communicator bleeped.
* * *
Superman was feeling strangely weak and delicate. There was something different about his body but he had a hard time figuring out what exactly it was.
Then he squeaked in surprise as he heard incredibly heavy footsteps, something big and powerful was striding towards him.
The door opened and a huge shape loomed over him.
"Hello, dear," Lois said.

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