
Cap felt asleep and the next day ...

by spiritoftg
Storyline Strange effects of the Mr. Hyde formula
Characters Captain America
Category Gender Switch Corruption Bimboization
Previous Chapter Cap does not want to follow Foster

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The next day, Captain America woke up and prepared herself for the meeting with Foster. The memory of last night, and her dreams were still present in her mind. But the former Steve Rogers could not deny it: she masturbated while thinking being fucked by his friends, but also by vengeful criminals. And she had enjoyed every bit of it.

- "Even at the cost of my own life, I could never admit this to the other Avengers ..." thought Cap, who could not restrain a thrill of pleasure.

In the meeting room, Cap was greeted by a sweet-smelling spray.
- "Ugh ... What the heck  are you doing Doc?" Shouted the Avenger.
- "It was necessary Captain, said Dr. Foster. This is what I wanted to tell you yesterday. You see, Your complication caused an alteration of your internal biochemistry. After analyzes of samples, we
have discovered that you ooze sex pheromones. "

Cap: "Like Spider-Woman?"
Foster: "Yeah ... We made comparisons  with hers ...  Yours are 100 times more powerful. Hence Beast and Giant-Man's reaction yesterday. They were not aware. The chemical in this spray, used daily, is designed to remove the effects for a day. Moreover, we know very little about Hyde's Formula. We are not able to see a difference with the super-soldier serum. Therefore, we do not know how to get you back to normal. As you can see on the screen, your lymphocytes ..."

While Dr. Foster deepened her explanations, Cap lost the thread to focus on some of these news. 
Thus, she could not return to normal. "Good, she thought ... No ...if ... With these pheromones, I can have all  the men/dicks I want to ... I mean ... I can use it to be more effective ... I must develop a strategy ... And hide as much as possible this situation to the other avengers ... "

Foster: "... Of course the super soldier serum is still here.  So your physicals are above average... for a woman now. But I am more concerned about your  emotional and psychological conditions. You seem to take this situation very well. You have nothing to say about it? "

Captain America's mind has returned just in time. When asked, she could not help but think of the last sexual dreams of the night. But she said with a very serious straight face. "No. Besides this change, I remain myself."

Foster: "SHIELD and your team will certainly want you to have a psychological evaluation ..."

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